Air1's summer songs have never sounded this good! These female Air1 artists have been riding the airways for weeks with catchy anthems that are "roll down the windows and sing as loud as you can" good. If you're looking for your next favorite song then check out this list of Air1's 7 Summer Female Anthems!
1. In Jesus Name (God of Possible)

We can often forget how powerful our words can be. With a single utterance, our words can inflict great wounds on others or bring incredible healing. The power of our words is amplified exponentially when we use them to call out to a power higher than ourselves. When we reach out to God through our words and prayers, He promises to answer us. With Katy Nichole's “In Jesus Name (God of Possible),” Katy sends out a prayer for anyone listening and beseeches God to move in their lives by bringing revival. Nichole calls upon the name of Jesus as a source of power that can move in our lives, as well as the lives of those we pray for in His name...
2. Honey in the Rock

It seems so difficult to find a moment of pure peace in today’s world. A moment where we have no worries or stresses and can simply enjoy our lives. Each day, we seem to face uphill battles with uncertain outcomes. We worry about our jobs going under, our cars breaking down, or our families’ safety. We frequently stress over the details of our lives that we cannot control. In Brooke Ligertwood & Brandon Lake's “Honey in the Rock,” these two vocal powerhouses show us that we don’t need to harbor these worries when we have God...
3. In You

We used to dream of going to the moon, curing diseases, and making a difference with our lives, but over time, our struggles can make our dreams seem impossible. Even smaller aspirations like getting a friend to church can seem impossible when our hope has been beaten down. We need to remember that with God, all things are possible. With Iveth Luna's “In You,” we are reminded of the giant-slaying, mountain-moving power of faith in God. Luna shows us that we are free to dream again when we have God on our side...
4. The Healing

The world has begun to devalue Christian belief, claiming that people invent the idea of God in order to satisfy their need for meaning. They say that God was invented by human minds for human reasons, believing God to be nothing more than a nice feeling. This could not be more wrong. One of the main things that we can point to in order to show the real power of God is the change He brings in the people who come to Him. As fallen creatures, everyone is broken in one way or another. In “The Healing,” Blanca and Dante Bowe show that God brings change to all of His faithful in the form of recovery for their souls. In all of our maladies, we can lean into the power of the Great Physician for help, no matter our predicament...
5. For All My Life

We can get so caught up in today’s increasingly energetic and high-profile worship services that we can forget to slow down every once in a while. When we do this, we remember that God also works in the smaller, simpler moments of our lives. As the smoke machines and speakers ring out God’s praise for all to hear in our churches, we need to make sure that we bring God back to the quieter times of life as well. We need to include Him in our humble homes as well as in loud arenas. Taya Smith's “For All My Life” brings a more grounded and simple sound to the UNITED alum’s worship, reminding us to worship in our everyday moments outside of our church services...
6. How Far

Each and every one of us has experienced shame. We have made mistakes and done things that we wish we hadn’t. When this happens, we tend to feel that we have lost God’s favor, being unworthy of His love. In “How Far,” Tasha Layton shows that God’s love does not stop because of our shame. God’s love continually chases us down no matter how far we might have run in our fear. Our sin cannot stop the love of God...
7. Reason to Praise

Life can throw challenges at us that feel too big for us to overcome. Things can happen to us that might be beyond our control, and it can seem like there is no way out. We can feel crushed under the weight of the burdens that we bear, and things can get hard. In “Reason To Praise,” Cory Asbury and Naomi Raine remind us that the things we might struggle to overcome are easily conquered for our God. With Him by our side, we can still raise a shout in victory to Him when things look impossible. With God, everything is possible. Salvation could always be right around the corner. So in any situation, we still have a reason to give Him our praise...