"Never forgotten
Never forsaken
Never abandoned
Not for a second"
Through the years, we have each had to face down some terrible giants without anyone to fight beside. We have walked through some dark places as the only source of light. In these times, it can be easy to feel like the responsibility for the outcome is solely placed on our shoulders. In reality, God is always working behind the scenes, supporting us in ways that no one else can. In “Never,” Tasha Layton reminds us that God will never forsake or abandon us. Even when the road leads through dark places, God will always be there, working everything out for the good of those who love Him.
WATCH NOW: "Never" Official Lyric Video
RELATED CONTENT: Bringing Success From Sorrow: The Tasha Layton Story
“Never” begins with a hopeful piano melody as Layton declares that God’s loyalty will not waver even in the midst of our doubt and fear. This song serves as a Christian power ballad for those moments when the enemy tries to make us feel like we are completely alone. We must remember that even if the whole world leaves us to fend for ourselves, we still have a friend who sticks closer than a brother. When we ask Him if He will ever leave us, we can always know what His answer will be.
Life comes with many highs and many lows, and God will walk with us through them all. Every scar and every hurt we experience will be used for good. While we may not always see Him, and though we may not always feel Him beside us, we must remember to put our trust in God rather than our fickle feelings.
RELATED CONTENT: Tasha Layton Shows God’s Love is Not Limited by Shame in “How Far”
“There’s not a broken too broken for You
Will there ever come a day when You’re not holding me together?
You say ‘never’”
“Never” was released as a single in June 2023. Throughout her time in her music ministry, Layton has continually trusted God’s timing rather than her own. Through the waiting, Layton says, miracles happen. “I think there are seasons for songs, and timing is important. God is good like that. And even the timing of starting this [career] a little later in my life, it couldn’t be more perfect for me. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”