"Better than I deserve."
During my days as a barista, making caramel macchiatos and java chip frappuccinos, I heard this same answer from a regular customer whenever I would ask him how he was doing. Without pause or restraint, he'd always answer, "Better than I deserve."
While at times it felt predictable, and I wondered if it had become robotic for him, those four words stuck with me. Over time, I realized that he lived with gratitude and appreciation for his life.
This man knew what scientific research has proven about the power of gratitude to transform every facet of our lives.
In 2021, Johns Hopkins University summarized a ground-breaking research study on the power of gratitude.
"People who are grateful benefit from less stress, a general sense of well-being, improved cognition and social performance, and reduced risks for depression, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders. Physical health benefits can include lower blood pressure, improved immune function, and more restful sleep. A strong sense of appreciation helps develop a healthy mind, which in turn can make us more inclined to make healthy decisions for our bodies. The cultivation of gratitude can also deepen our relationships and help us to be more forgiving of one another."
If a song has ever embodied the attitude of my customer and the mindset reflected in this research, it's a new song from Elevation Worship featuring Tiffany Hudson. "Sure Been Good" is a joy-filled song of appreciation directed to God for every undeserved gift He's given us.
RELATED CONTENT: Elevation Worship 'Praise' Exclusive Performance
The song opens with honest and earnest lyrics, reflecting on God's work in creating our testimonies.
"You've been better to me
Than I could ever have hoped You would be
You took the mess that I was
And You have done some incredible things."
When the song was released, Tiffany Hudson commented on its power: "'Sure Been Good' is an invitation to reflect on the journey God has taken us all on… Each journey is marked by His goodness and faithfulness, not to leave us how we were."
From the beginning to the end of the Bible, 66 books tell the story of God's goodness to His people, especially His meeting them where they were but never leaving them there.
When Moses stood at the burning bush in Exodus 3, he stuttered and couldn't imagine standing before Pharaoh.
When Samuel met David in 1 Samuel 16, he was far from a giant slayer.
Esther was intimidated to speak out to save her people in the book that bears her name.
RELATED CONTENTS: Elevation Worship 'Trust In God' Exclusive Performance
In 1 Corinthians 6, the Apostle Paul describes the sinful ways of life that keep people out of the Kingdom of God. Then, he pivots dramatically and reminds the people in the church in Corinth that those sins are part of their stories. "Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."
Listening to this song, reading 1 Corinthians 6, and considering the stories of many heroes of the faith, my mind began to turn to my own story. I'm a pastor, author, and speaker today, but I didn't start here. At age 20, I gave my first sermon and spoke so fast that few could understand what I was saying. My first paid writing project came back covered in red by my editor, full of typos, bad grammar, and incomplete thoughts. My sense of self-worth once could be crushed by one critical email or painful piece of feedback.
But my story didn't end there. God was so kind to me. He helped me speak more slowly, write more clearly, and root my identity in who Jesus says I am. In his book In the Grip of Grace, Max Lucado summarized God's work in my life in a few powerful words: "God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you there. He wants you to be just like Jesus."
Elevation Worship helps us tap into the kind of gratitude and wonder that transforms our souls and bodies. While their lyrics enable us to reflect on our life experiences and the journey that has brought us to the present moment, they constantly turn our focus back to the One who deserves the praise.
They conclude the song with a simple declaration.
"You always knew there was a better me
But You loved me like I was (whoa, yeah)
Filling up the spaces in between
You've always been enough."
It's true that we are doing better than we deserve due to God's kindness and mercy. But before we could see or imagine that "better," God saw it and loved us where we were. He filled up everything that was lacking in us.
God is more than enough for anything we encounter in this life. He deserves all the praise for His incredible work in our lives, and "Sure Been Good" does an incredible job of helping us declare that praise!
Scott Savage is a pastor, author, and speaker with the best last name in the world. Scott’s writing helps people transform difficult circumstances into places where they can thrive. He leads Cornerstone Church in Prescott, Arizona, and loves watching movies with his wife and three kids. You can begin Scott’s newest project, The 21 Day Gratitude Challenge, today.