"I don’t know what You’re doing
But I know what You’ve done
I’m fighting a battle that
You’ve already won"
The stories of the past help us have faith for the future. When we fall on hard times, we can bolster our faith by running back to the times that God has made miracles happen. Throughout the Bible, as well as our own lives, there are many examples of times where God has worked in strange ways to bring something amazing out of a difficult situation. In “You’ve Already Won,” Shane & Shane give us a wonderful reminder of the way that God has already assured us a victory. We may not understand why everything happens the way it does, but we know that the end of the story will be a good one.
WATCH NOW: Shane & Shane “You’ve Already Won”
“You’ve Already Won” starts off with a soft guitar before declaring that we have a lasting hope and peace for tomorrow. The song’s powerful message is dedicated to those suffering in Ukraine. No matter what we might be going through now, we can hold onto the hope that Christ will provide for our every need, and lead us to good pastures in the end. “You’ve Already Won” uses a stripped-down, humble worship sound to present one of the most meaningful messages for our spiritual lives.

Though we might be fighting a battle now, we can rest easy in the assurance that God already came, saw, and conquered all the hurt and heartache that we will ever go through. While today we might struggle, fall down, and even weep, tomorrow there will be joy and laughter and freedom. Even when we find ourselves blinded by a fog, unable to see the road ahead, we can trust that God will bring us safely into the land He promised us, where we can sing and dance with Him forever.
“There’s mercy in the waiting
Manna for today
And when it’s gone I know You’re not
You are my hope and stay”
“You’ve Already Won” was released as a single in December 2022. Shane Barnard, one half of the duo that makes up Shane & Shane, expresses the humility and faith in his songwriting. “You can tell it’s God when things happen that are just unexplainable. … The Spirit’s work is obvious when you can walk away and genuinely say, ‘I had nothing to do with that.’”