"When the weight of everything feels heavy
and I don't have the strength to even stand
You are by my side, You're always ready
to take what I was never meant to hold" - Meredith Andrews
Most of the time, we try to get through life on our own steam, struggling and failing to provide for not only ourselves, but also those around us. The more that we try to run our own lives and carry those around us to a desirable finish line, the more we realize how much we need God. Only with His hands on the steering wheel can we finally rest, taking the journey of our lives the right way: one step at a time. In “Carry The World,” Meredith Andrews brings us the truth that we cannot bear the burdens of this world alone. Only God has the strength that we need, but we need to start relying on Him instead of going it alone.
WATCH NOW: Meredith Andrews “Carry The World”
RELATED CONTENT: "Faith and Wonder (feat. Cody Ray Lee & Abbie Simmons of UPPERROOM)" by: Meredith Andrews
“Carry The World” begins with a vibrant, electric guitar sound as Andrews’ voice declares how God is right by our side during all of our lowest moments. This song’s energetic, worship sound brings a moving desperation to the song, as Andrews gives up the ghost, casting all her cares on the Lord. “Carry The World” reminds us that only our God is willing and able to carry the weight that we cannot.

Some of us might try to be all things to all people on our own strength. The truth is, we do not have sufficient strength to even carry our own burdens without God. But once we admit our weakness to Him and ask for Him to carry us, we will find the strength that we were always missing. Not in anything that we could ever be or do or say, but in God alone.
“You are peace and You are never worried
So I will choose to trust, Your heart is good
You are rest, You're never in a hurry
So I surrender all I have again”
“Carry The World” was released as a single in September 2022. Andrews shares the value of music in her life, saying, “If I just turn on worship music, or if I just start singing out scripture or singing out things that are true about God, it reminds me of like, no, this isn’t all there is. And actually, the greater reality is beyond what I see with my physical eyes. That’s why I sing, you know, because it changes my perspective. It reminds me of who God is and who I am with Him.”