"What is broken, You will make whole
Every ruin, You will restore
Your blood bought freedom from our chains
You raise us up from every grave"
In the New Testament, when Jesus entered a room, things changed for the better. Lives were transformed, people were healed, and our preconceived notions about God were shattered. Today, Jesus continues to change lives in major ways. Demons flee at the mention of Jesus’ name, and beg for mercy in His presence. In “We Come Alive,” Jonathan Traylor reminds us of the amazing things that happen in Jesus’ presence. Jesus still has the power to foster incredible change and turn our lives around from death to life and from darkness to light.
WATCH NOW: Jonathan Traylor “We Come Alive”
“We Come Alive” begins with an inspiring, energetic melody playing along to Traylor’s powerful vocals, as he declares that what was dead has now been brought to life by Christ. The song quickly powers up as Traylor sings out the way that we all come to life with Jesus. The song’s hopeful, worship-rock sound uses Traylor’s unique vocal to evoke a sense of hard-won victory, partnered with the promise that the best is yet to come.

When our situations seem dire and our hope is waning, we need to bask in the power of Jesus’ presence. Whether through prayer, our relationships with fellow believers, or even worship, we can bring Jesus’ power with us through every trial and every valley we journey through in our lives. He still moves mountains, and He will continue to show us His power in our lives if we are willing to seek it.
“There is healing in Your presence
There is freedom in Your presence
Loving kindness in Your presence
Sweet forgiveness in Your presence”
“We Come Alive” was released as a single in July 2022. Traylor describes his vision of success for his music as more than industry recognition. “Getting awards or nominations – if it happens, that’s great. But for people to get closer to God, to come to know Him more, through the music.” Traylor says, “That’s success to me.”