"There’s a miracle in the works
I can feel it
There’s revival in the church
I believe it"
Where many people might have looked at David as he faced Goliath and seen a battle to come or a challenge to be faced, God saw a miracle about to unfold. When we are standing before an immovable obstacle and are told to push past it, many might grow fearful of the challenge facing them, knowing that under their own strength they will be unable to overcome such a trial. But when we have faith in God, we can have faith that God’s power will shine in our efforts to overcome the challenges that seem impossible to conquer. In Bryan & Katie Torwalt’s “Miracle in the Works”, we are reminded of some of the most famous times that God made a miracle and brought victory when there seemed to be no hope. With a backing choir and a classic worship sound, Bryan & Katie Torwalt proclaim that when things look darkest, God will make a way forward. Only He creates a path through the raging sea ahead and brings revival to His people’s hearts.
WATCH NOW: Bryan & Katie Torwalt “Miracle In The Works”
“Miracle in the Works” begins by showing that while some might think a situation is hopeless, we always have hope in the power of our God. While some might say it’s over, only Jesus has the authority to say when something is truly over. As the song rises, Katie Torwalt’s voice is joined by a choir of singers all declaring that God has a miracle coming. All it takes to start a revival is for one person to stand up in faith. In turn, the faith of others will be revitalized by this act, sparking a new flame of dedication and passion for Christ that could reach an entire generation. Hope in our God grants a peace that is beyond all understanding, because we know that God can make a way through even when we can’t see a way.

“Miracle In The Works” was released as a single in May 2021. On the subject of faith in difficult situations, Bryan Torwalt says, “We all have moments when it feels almost impossible to have faith. There's something about remembering and sharing testimonies that helps us recognize and have faith for how God is working - both in the present and how He'll be with us no matter what happens in the future”.