"That's not my job."
If you've ever heard someone say these four words, you've encountered an unhealthy team. Sadly, toxic work environments are all too common today. Many people have worked in an environment that lacks accountability and where no steps are taken to make things better. In contrast to these unhealthy cultures, healthy teams work together. These organizations embrace a mindset where nothing is below anyone—humility and service are present everywhere.
But, as much as I detest that phrase, there's a caveat. Some things in life are not our job as humans because they are beyond our capacity. They are God's job. Our abilities end, and God's ability continues. As many have said, "obedience is our responsibility, and outcome is God's responsibility." We cannot control what God accomplishes through our work.
In my research, I found many sources crediting Ignatius with the famous quote, "Pray like it depends on God, and work like it depends on you." This dual reality of what we do and what God does is beautifully illustrated in Elevation Worship's new song, "God is Not Against Me." The chorus begins with the following lyrics.
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"You're in it with me
You're working through me
Fighting for me
God is not against me."
The title and chorus echo the message of the Romans 8:31-32. "What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won't he also give us everything else?"
The song's opening verse reminded me of Joshua 1:9, in which an angel commands Joshua to be strong and courageous, leading the people of Israel into the Promised Land. It also reminded me of Romans 5:8, which talks about God showing His love when Christ died for us while we were still sinners. I even thought of Exodus 14:14, when Moses tells the people that God will fight the Egyptians who chased them near the Red Sea. These passages and many others hover underneath the lyrics of "God is Not Against Me."
The song also speaks truth in the face of some bold lies.
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In addition to attacking the lie "God is against me," Elevation Worship takes on other lies that I'm sure you've felt, too. Who hasn't said silently or aloud, "I feel so alone right now?" Adversity and spiritual attacks can leave us feeling isolated. When Elevation Worship sings, "You're in it with me," they remind themselves and their audience of Jesus's promise in Matthew 28:18-20 never to leave or forsake us.
When facing a spiritual attack, it's easy to buy into the lie that "my enemy is too powerful." While Satan is more powerful than us, he is no match for God. So, when Elevation Worship sings, "You see the battle I'm facing - And You're stepping in," I'm encouraged! I remember Revelation 12:10-11 where the saints overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
Each of us has found ourselves overwhelmed with an assignment or task in life. Our prayer may have been something like, "God, you gotta help me because I cannot do this!" This lie that we cannot fulfill our calling can be replaced with the truth of Ephesians 3:20. "Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." When we believe the lie of our inability to fulfill our calling, God's promises empower us to sing along with Elevation Worship.
"I used to fight on my own
But never again
I have a power that's greater
Than all of the enemy's lies."
My mind is often overwhelmed with toxic thoughts and hostile voices. Perhaps yours is, too. When those moments happen, open up your Bible and turn on "God is Not Against Me." Mediate on who God is, who God says you are, and what God has promised to do in your life. Once you've done your job, trust God to do His!
Scott Savage is a pastor, author, and speaker with the best last name in the world. Scott’s writing helps people transform difficult circumstances into places where they can thrive. He leads Cornerstone Church in Prescott, Arizona, and loves watching movies with his wife and three kids. You can begin Scott’s newest project, The 21 Day Gratitude Challenge, today.