Audio Adrenaline

Audio Adrenaline
All Artists


Sound of the Saints

Sound of the Saints


Big House To Ocean Floor

Big House To Ocean Floor


Kings & Queens

Kings & Queens



About Audio Adrenaline

Audio Adrenaline

Audio Adrenaline, a trailblazing Christian rock band, emerged from Kentucky in the early 1990s, becoming a cornerstone of the contemporary Christian music scene. With an initial lineup of Mark Stuart, Barry Blair, Will McGinniss, and Bob Herdman, the band's energetic performances and innovative blend of rock, pop, and alternative sounds set them apart. Their breakthrough album "Don't Censor Me" in 1993 showcased hits like "Big House" and "Can't Take God Away," propelling them to the forefront of Christian rock. Over the years, Audio Adrenaline continued to evolve, experiencing changes in the lineup and refining their style, releasing successful albums such as "Bloom" and "Underdog."

Beyond their musical accomplishments, Audio Adrenaline's deep-rooted faith was a central theme in their music, addressing social issues, missions, and the transformative power of God's love. The band's impact extended beyond the stage, as they were actively involved in various charitable endeavors. Through their music and philanthropic efforts, Audio Adrenaline not only entertained but also inspired generations, leaving a lasting legacy as pioneers of Christian rock, showcasing the dynamic fusion of faith and artistry.